Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What does an agribusiness consultant do?

The professionals provide agriculture consultancy services such as providing instructions on the management and use of agricultural lands. The consultants who work as technical specialists also advise on crop rotation, pollution control and forestry consultancy. They prioritise keeping a balance between sustainable development and commercial viability of lands.

How do I start agro business?

To make agricultural production into a business, initial steps are-

  • Researching on the scope of business in the market
  • Creating a business plan for farming and agriculture and fund management
  • Understanding regulations and laws of agricultural production
  • Business registration and licensing

How agriculture consulting can help save costs?

Agribusiness consulting helps to reduce expenses through solutions of data management, increasing Workflow Efficiencies and conserving existing resources. These are cost-saving processes in running the agricultural business. These processes help to enhance profitability in agricultural business through applying smart data and enhancing efficiency in workflow. 

How to start Organic farming in India profitably?

The process includes the steps-

  • Getting an organic certification
  • Research about agriculture on market linkages through contract farming, APMCs
  • Looking for current markets
  • Fertilizer application for pest and disease management

Why detailed project reports (DPRS) are important in agriculture consulting?

DPRS contains a list of manpower requirements, timelines and costs to keep the agriculture projects running smoothly. It helps in the agricultural loan application process. The agribusiness   consulting agencies help the farmers in production through DPRS with detailed reports. 

what are different kinds of farming subsidies available in India?

Indian government provides different subsidies for the improvement of agricultural production. The subsidies are on power subsidy, fertilizer subsidy, and irrigation subsidy. In addition, you can avail subsidy for Agricultural Equipment, export subsidy, seed subsidy, subsidy for Agricultural infrastructure improvement, and credit subsidy.